Fang Dongmeijeva filozofija ustvarjalnega kozmosa


  • Jana S. ROŠKER University of Ljubljana, Slovenia



Fang Dongmei, Modern Confucianism, Chinese philosophy, creativity, comprehensive harmony


Fang Dongmei (1899–1977) is one of the main representatives of the second generation of Modern Confucianism, though he never explicitly claimed to be only a Confucian, but stressed being––in his soul––also a Daoist and Buddhist. The theoretical contribution of this philosopher (who is still rather neglected in the West) to the development of modern Chinese philosophy is doubtlessly worth detailed research. The present article mainly deals with the analysis and interpretation of the ontological and epistemological aspects of his philosophy. It focuses upon the introduction of the following concepts, central to his philosophy: comprehensive harmony, Confucian moral self, creative creativity, unity of facts and values, as well as reason and intuition.


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Author Biography

  • Jana S. ROŠKER, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Jana S. Rošker, Oddelek za azijske in afriške študije, FF UL


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31. 12. 2014

How to Cite

ROŠKER, Jana S. 2014. “Fang Dongmeijeva Filozofija Ustvarjalnega Kozmosa”. Asian Studies 2 (2): 157-75.

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