The Teaching and Study of Islam in Western Universities


  • Nevad KATHERAN University of Sarajevo



review of new book


Review by Nevad Kahteran

The Teaching and Study of Islam in Western Universities as Routledge publication should be applauded in this cacophony in the post-9/11 world with the rise of interest in Islam and Islamic matters across the globe, necessitating an explanation of the authentic teaching of this religion anew in light of the challenges of the present-day situation not only in New Zealand, Australia and Pacific region, including the Canadian context there as well, but world-wide. Among many other efforts taken in the meantime, something similar was done in the European context as earlier Brill's edition of Muslims in the Enlarged Europe: Religion and Society, ed. By Brigitte Maréchal, Stefano Allievi, Felice Dassetto and Jørgen Nielsen (Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2003) with its speacial stress on After September 11: Islam in General and European Muslims. Also, we could add intersting report on Islam on Campus: teaching Islamic Studies at Higher Education Institutions in the UK (Report of a conference held at the University of Edinburgh, 4 December 2006 in: Journal of Beliefs & Values, Volume 28, Issue 3, 2007, pages 309-329), The Islam in the West Program (currently housed at the Prince Alwaleed Islamic Studies Program), among many other undertakings in this regard as good examples of similar efforts.


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Author Biography

  • Nevad KATHERAN, University of Sarajevo

    Department of Philosopohy

    full professor of Eastern and Comparative Philosophy


- The Teaching and Study of Islam in Western Universities
by Paul Morris,William Shepard, Paul Trebilco, Toni Tidswell (eds), Routledge, London & New York, 2014;
- Muslims in the Enlarged Europe: Religion and Society, ed. By Brigitte Maréchal, Stefano Allievi, Felice Dassetto and Jørgen Nielsen (Brill, Leiden-Boston, 2003);
- Journal of Beliefs & Values, Volume 28, Issue 3, 2007, pages 309-329);
- The Islam in the West Program (currently housed at the Prince Alwaleed Islamic Studies Program);



31. 12. 2014

How to Cite

KATHERAN, Nevad. 2014. “The Teaching and Study of Islam in Western Universities”. Asian Studies 2 (2): 179-81.