Su Shi and Flourishing of Themes in ci Poetry––Based on the Example of the Tune “Moonlight over the West River”


  • Mojca PRETNAR National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (R. O. C.)



Su Shi 蘇軾, ci 詞 poetry, “Moonlight over the West River” (西江月), theme, treatment of ci poetry as shi poetry (以詩為詞)


The study explains characteristics of ci 詞 poetry and uses fifteen of Su Shi’s 蘇軾 (1037–1101) ci poems written to the tune “Moonlight over the West River”, translated by the author of this study, to investigate Su Shi’s treatment of ci poetry as shi 詞 poetry (以詩為 詞), as well as the themes of these poems. The examples show that in both his traditional and innovative poems Su Shi expands the themes with allusions, relying on borrowings from literary, historic, and philosophical works, and making associations with stories, events, and people from history, mythology, and literature.


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Author Biography

  • Mojca PRETNAR, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (R. O. C.)

    Department of Chinese Literature, PhD candidate


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30. 12. 2015 — Updated on 9. 12. 2021

How to Cite

PRETNAR, Mojca. 2021. “Su Shi and Flourishing of Themes in Ci Poetry––Based on the Example of the Tune ‘Moonlight over the West River’”. Asian Studies 3 (2): 141-61.