Estetizacija ideologije: rekonstrukcija sodobne kitajske umetnosti in kulture
Chinese aesthetics, ideology, Chinese artAbstract
The period that began with the Chinese opening towards the external world and economic liberalization inside the country may be called a period of modern reflection of the Chinese tradition of thoughts, and simultaneously as an era of critical evaluation of the most influential currents of foreign thoughts. Among others, these thoughts manifested themselves in the field in which the germs of new ideologies developed. In this context, the present article aims to illuminate the ideological and social function of art and culture. Aesthetics has – on the one hand – served as a latent rebellion against the prevailing social pragmatism, as an explicit form expressing the striving for beauty in the sense of an emotional emancipation. On the other hand, it served as a discourse that has been in China generally tightly linked to the politics and to the possibility of re-interpretation or elaboration of Marxist theories.
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