Percepcije telesnosti in prostora v okviru procesov identifikacij na Japonskem


  • Nataša Visočnik



identification, space, body, rituals, embodiment


The present article is a slightly changed version of a part of my PhD thesis titled The House as a Place of Identity; Construction of Dwelling Culture and Perception of the Embodiment in Japan: The case of Kanazawa City. It discusses the construction of identity as a process of identification which is a process of placement and it focuses on one of the space metaphors that is namely body, and its movement and perception. An embodiment is a process in which a space is constructed through socialization and body learning. Within the construction of space particular emotions important for individual identity arise. One of such spaces that creates strong feelings of belonging to a place is the dwelling environment.


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Author Biography

  • Nataša Visočnik
    Nataša Visočnik, dr., asistentka na Oddelku za azijske in afriške študije, Filozofske fakultete, Univerze v Ljubljani


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1. 12. 2010




How to Cite

Visočnik, Nataša. 2010. “Percepcije Telesnosti in Prostora V Okviru Procesov Identifikacij Na Japonskem”. Asian Studies 14 (2): 129-46.