Qinghua School of Logic and the Origins of Taiwanese Studies in Modern Logic
A Note on the Early Thought of Mou Zongsan and Yin Haiguang
modern logic, analytical philosophy, Taiwan, Qinghua School of Logic, Mou Zongsan, Yin HaiguangAbstract
The article investigates the early thought of Mou Zongsan and Yin Haiguang, two important founding fathers of Taiwanese philosophy, who contributed significantly to its formation as an academic discipline in the two decades following 1949. The article reveals how their ideas related to modern logic originated from the so-called “Qinghua School of (Mathematical) Logic”. Herewith, the article tries to provide a platform that can be used to answer the questions of continuity and succession between the studies of modern logic as conducted at the most progressive (modernised) universities in late Republican China (especially Qinghua University) on the one side, and the formation and development of studies in logic in post-1949 Taiwan, on the other.
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