Review and Prospects of Taiwanese Philosophy Scholarship in South Korea

A Historical Survey of Academic Publications from 1994 to 2018


  • Byoung Yoong Kang University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia



Taiwanese philosophy, philosophy research in South Korea, history of philosophy, articles on philosophy, Chinese philosophy, modern confucians


This study examined how Taiwanese philosophy has been received and researched in South Korea since its start to the present day. It takes the form of a survey, classifying the articles about Taiwanese philosophy which were published in South Korea over the years from 1994 to 2018 by the theme. It selected nine philosophers whose influence was profound in Taiwanese philosophy and observed the currents in the scholarship on each philosopher. The names of the selected philosophers are: Fang Thomé H., Hu Shi, Huang Chun-chieh, Lin Yutang, Liu Shuxian (Liu Shu-hsien), Mou Zongsan, Tang Junyi (Tang Chun-I), Xu Fuguan, Yu Yingshi (Yu Ying-shih). Sixty-one related papers were summarized and reviewed, and each of them was classified by the publication date, author, language, publisher and keywords. The survey revealed the limitations in Asian philosophy scholarship with regard to Taiwanese philosophy in South Korea, in terms of both quantity and quality. The survey also suggested a possible solution to these limitations and directions for scholars in the future. The study thus serves as a foundation that can boost discussion and the balanced development of South Korean philosophy studies, as well as of Asian philosophy in general.


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22. 09. 2020

How to Cite

Kang, Byoung Yoong. 2020. “Review and Prospects of Taiwanese Philosophy Scholarship in South Korea: A Historical Survey of Academic Publications from 1994 to 2018”. Asian Studies 8 (3): 111-37.