

  • Ming Huei LEE Academia Sinica, Taiwan




Taiwanese Modern Confucianism, the Theory of the “Development of Democracy from Confucianism”, liberalism, political theory, Self-negation of Conscience.




關鍵詞: 台灣新儒家, 儒學開出民主論, 自由主義, 政治思想, 良知的自我坎陷


In the 1950s, Contemporary Modern Confucians of Hong Kong and Taiwan have exposed the theory of the “Development of Democracy from Confucianism”. In their controversies with the Taiwanese liberals, this theory also became one of the main points of debate. The author of the present article believes that the contents of this theory are not too complicated to understand; however, it nevertheless often became subject of various misunderstandings and questionings. During the past years, the author has written several studies on this topic, aiming to clarify such misunderstandings and to responding to such questionings. Therefore, the present article does not restate the details of this theory, but rather aims to provide further explanations of its essential meaning.



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30. 05. 2014

How to Cite

LEE, Ming Huei. 2014. “當代新儒家「儒學開出民主論」的理論意涵與現實意義”. Asian Studies 2 (1): 7-18. https://doi.org/10.4312/as.2014.2.1.7-18.