Matija Murko on Homer and Contemporary Homerology
Matija Murko, oral theory, oral grammar, South Slavic epic, Homeric studies, classical philologyAbstract
The paper explores what Matija Murko has argued about Homer and the archaic epic. Although Murko is relatively well-known in modern Homeric studies, at least as a precursor of Milman Parry and Albert Lord, his writings about the Homeric epic have yet to be analyzed. This paper discusses his most important findings, which directly or indirectly concern Homer and Homeric studies. It focuses on his exploration of compositional techniques and singers, literary comparisons, understanding of blind singers, and Murko’s attitude toward contemporary Homeric studies. It shows how Murko’s writings put forward a set of entirely different theses on Homeric epic, which were only picked up by classical philologists worldwide several decades later.
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