The Effectiveness of In-Person versus Online Instruction in the Pre-service Teacher Preparation Programme


  • Lara Burazer University of Ljubljana
  • Janez Skela University of Ljubljana



pre-service English teacher education, reflective model, pandemic, in-person instruction, online teaching


In reference to the reflective nature of the methodological design of the current pre-service English teacher education program at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, considerable challenges related to teacher-education were noted during the emergency online switch. For this reason, the theory/practice connections, typically strengthened via the practical, experiential and reflective components of university teacher-education programs, were put to the test. The research is aimed at identifying the challenges of the online switch and focuses on comparison of the effectiveness of in-person versus online instruction in the pre-service English teacher preparation program. The research questions seek to examine whether teacher-training sessions online are more demanding and challenging, and potentially less effective (as perceived by the respondents), compared to the in-person teacher-training practices. The study results offer a valuable insight into the teacher-trainees’ perceptions of the challenges and effectiveness of the online English teacher-training course implementation in comparison with the in-person mode.


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29. 12. 2021



English Language and Literature Teaching

How to Cite

Burazer, L., & Skela, J. (2021). The Effectiveness of In-Person versus Online Instruction in the Pre-service Teacher Preparation Programme. ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries, 18(2), 117-137.

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