Celebrating the Precise, the Paradoxical and the “Pret-ty-Trick-y” in Alice Munro’s Fiction


  • Michelle Gadpaille University of Maribor
  • Tjaša Mohar University of Maribor




Alice Munro, short fiction, Nobel laureate, Canadian literature


The contribution introduces the special issue of ELOPE (Vol. 19, No. 1, 2022) and the collection of articles in honour of the doyenne of Canadian short fiction: Alice Munro.


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Gadpaille, Michelle. 2016. “Transactive Memory and the Narrative Appeal of Alice Munro’s Fiction.” In The Relationship Between the Patient and the Doctor: Conference Proceedings. 25th Conference on Medicine and Law, edited by Suzana Kraljić, Jelka Reberšek Gorišek, and Vesna Rijavec, 1–8. Maribor: Lexonomica Press.

Gadpaille, Michelle, and Tjaša Mohar. 2013. “Alice Munro – Nobel Prize Winner for Literature 2013.” Literary Evening of the Department of English and American Studies and the University Library of Maribor, Glazer Hall UKM, November 14, 2013.

Gadpaille, Michelle, Tjaša Mohar, and Tomaž Onič. 2021a. “Alice Munro: Tricks and Other Ceremonies.” Guest lecture to undergraduate students of Canadian Literature at the University of Rijeka, via Zoom, January 11, 2021.

—. 2021b. “Alice Munro’s Fiction: Calling All Readers, Writers and Lovers.” MS Teams Online Lecture, May 20, 2021. https://www.facebook.com/109423930476086/videos/540871670284103/.

Gadpaille, Michelle, Tjaša Mohar, and Urška Zupan. 2013. “Alice Munro, Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature 2013.” Exhibition and literary reading at the opening, Exhibition Centre, Faculty of Arts, Maribor, October 22–November 5, 2013.

Higgins, Charlotte. 2013. “Alice Munro Wins Nobel Prize in Literature.” The Guardian, October 10, 2013. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2013/oct/10/alice-munro-wins-nobel-prize-in-literature#:~:text=Munro%20is%20the%20second%20Canadian,Bellow%20%E2%80%93%20and%20the%2013th%20woman.

Mohar, Tjaša, and Michelle Gadpaille. 2019. “Alice Munro and Leonard Cohen: Ambassadors of Canadian Culture in Slovenia.” In Canada Consumed: The Impact of Canadian Writing in Central Europe (1990–2017) = Le Canada à la carte: influence des écrits canadiens en Europe centrale (1990–2017), edited by Don Sparling and Katalin Kürtösi. 223–40. Brno: Masaryk University.

Mohar, Tjaša. 2021a. “90 let nobelovke Alice Munro: številne njene zgodbe še čakajo na slovenski prevod.” Večer, October 27, 2021.

—. 2021b. “Nobelovka Alice Munro je dopolnila 90 let.” Zvon, kulturno-družbena revija 24 (6): 71–75.

Munro, Alice. 2015. Ubežnica. Celje: Celjska Mohorjeva družba.

—. 2004. Runaway. New York: Vintage Books.

The Nobel Prize. 2013. “Award Ceremony Speech.” https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/literature/2013/ceremony-speech/.



23. 06. 2022

How to Cite

Gadpaille, M., & Mohar, T. (2022). Celebrating the Precise, the Paradoxical and the “Pret-ty-Trick-y” in Alice Munro’s Fiction. ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries, 19(1), 9-12. https://doi.org/10.4312/elope.19.1.9-12

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