Storytime in English Language Teaching – Teachers’ Practices, Attitudes, and Challenges




authentic children’s literature, primary school, story, teaching English as a foreign language


The research paper explores how primary school English language teachers in Croatia (N=110) use authentic literature in teaching. The survey examined the teachers’ attitudes, the frequency of use, criteria for text selection, and teaching methods. Additionally, teachers assessed their competences and readiness for using authentic children’s literature. The study found that teachers predominantly choose texts available in coursebooks, on average once a month. They present stories by combining reading aloud and storytelling, with only a few engaging in storytelling alone. Stories are mainly used for teaching vocabulary, but teachers also use them for activities such as dramatizations or discussions. Generally, the teachers reported feeling competent in using stories for teaching English language skills. However, the research revealed some areas that require more attention and support, especially regarding story selection, techniques for implementing stories, and time management. Some aspects of using authentic stories in teaching could be improved by being addressed in pre- and inservice teacher training.


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22. 12. 2023



English Language and Literature Teaching

How to Cite

Cindrić, I., & Milković, I. (2023). Storytime in English Language Teaching – Teachers’ Practices, Attitudes, and Challenges. ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries, 20(2), 83-101.