A Corpus-Based Contrastive Analysis of Metaphorical Collocations of the Terms Right and Pravo: Do Different Legal Cultures Give Rise to Different Metaphors?
Croatian, English, legal phraseology, metaphorical collocations, metaphorical images, web corporaAbstract
The paper focuses on the contrastive analysis of metaphorical collocations of the nouns right and pravo in the web corpora of English and Croatian. It categorizes metaphorical collocations based on the Master Metaphor List (Lakoff, Espenson, and Schwarts 1991), and attempts to detect the similarities and differences in the cognitive structuring of the two terms. The paper is thus an attempt to investigate the metaphorical dimension of legal collocations, a perspective largely ignored to date in the study of collocations in legal discourse. By combining the corpusbased approach, which allows us to access a significant number of collocations, and using the Master Metaphor List, the paper reveals the network of conceptual mappings operating in the background of collocations and proposes that such cognitive structuring cuts across different legal cultures.
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