Why We Need TI-Oriented Language Learning and Teaching (TILLT)
future translators and interpreters, TI-oriented Language Learning and Teaching (TILLT), Language for Specific Purposes (LSP)Abstract
The teaching of foreign languages to students in Translation and Interpreting (TI) programmes should be framed within the field of Language for Specific Purposes (LSP). This would make it possible to pinpoint specific curricular content and methodological traits that contribute to the enhancement of the communicative competence and initial development of TI competences. This paper analyses the students’ perspectives on L2 teaching in a TI programme and how it should be undertaken to best comply with the linguistic demands imposed by translation and interpreting. A thematic analysis of 117 open questionnaires returned by students from Austria, Slovenia and Spain identified five areas to which the students attribute particular importance, and which should be considered when developing TI-oriented curricula.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Astrid Schmidhofer , Enrique Cerezo Herrero , Melita Koletnik
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.