The Military Campaigning Season in the Middle Ages
medieval warfare, war campaigns, year cycleAbstract
The paper presents the campaigning season in the Middle Ages. Within a thousand-year span, it focuses on the period between the 11th and 15th centuries and on the territory of the feudal and Christian Western and Central Europe. The introductory part presents the relevant literature, foregrounding modern shifts in the perception of medieval campaigns. The central part seeks to answer a question which primarily concerns military history and is interwoven with the environmental and social history of the Middle Ages: during which part of the year did the medieval campaigns take place? In this context we show a direct connection between campaigns and natural changes throughout the year, with reference to farming chores and religious festivals. The concluding chapter presents the share of the conflicts in winter, based on the statistics of medieval battles provided by two historians. The conclusions of the statistical comparison are supported by examples of winter campaigns dating back to the (late) Middle Ages.
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