Notes on Plutarch’s Treatise Περὶ παίδων ἀγωγῆς (On the Education of Children)
child education in antiquity, φύσις, λόγος, ἄσκησις, καλοκἀγαθίαAbstract
This paper summarises the main points of Plutarch’s treatise Περὶ παίδων ἀγωγῆς (On the Education of Children). The division of the writing into sections follows Plutarch’s imaginary division into individual content sections. For each section the key passage in Greek is listed first, together with the Slovenian translation, and followed by a commentary explaining the philosophical and ideological background on which Plutarch relied, in some places literally, in others indirectly. The conclusion summarises the fundamental sources on which Plutarch’s discussion is based.
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