The Depictions of Children and Their Age on Steles Ascribed to the Same Celeian Workshop
children, grave monuments, Celeia, Roman era, stele, Danubian provinces, Master of Celeia, age, Horus lockAbstract
The article discusses the depictions of children and focuses primarily on the relation between the age of the carved portrait and the age that is given on the epitaph. The study focuses on a group of steles ascribed to the same Celeian workshop. The steles from the Danubian provinces often reveal the usual anomalies, that is, the descendants are frequently represented as small children despite their age. This may be attributed either to the use of a pre-carved scheme or to the parents’ wish to stress the relation parents – child. The group of the steles discussed includes only one daughter depicted as grown-up, in all probability due to the fact that it was she who commissioned the monument. The boy with the Horus lock on another stele, as well as the garments of the children, which match those of the mother or father, indicate that all steles of that workshop were individually custom-sculpted.
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