Antiquity-Based Education in the Early Modern Era

The Mirror of Princes by Diego de Saavedra Fajardo


  • Filip Draženović



ruler’s mirror, education, Diego de Saavedra Fajardo, early modern era


The purpose of the paper is to present the system of educating rulers in the ‘mirror of princes’, Idea de un Príncipe Político Christiano (1640, revised edition 1642). It outlines the education of the ruler, focusing on various pedagogical practices. The starting point is the idea of a double meaning of education: both pedagogy and (self) knowledge. The second focus of the paper is an analysis of the ancient sources used by the author, their placement in the way of argumentation, and the practices he summarises. At the same time, his thinking is compared with ancient educational practices (Aristotle, Plutarch...) as well as his humanistic contemporaries.


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20. 12. 2023



I. Pignora Amoris: Children and Childhood in Antiquity (Contributions from the 14th Grošelj Symposium)

How to Cite

Draženović, Filip. 2023. “Antiquity-Based Education in the Early Modern Era: The Mirror of Princes by Diego De Saavedra Fajardo”. Keria: Studia Latina Et Graeca 25 (1): 85-104.