Lanam fecit
Textile Production between Public and Private
Roman archaeology, textile making, textile tools, mythology, tradition, funerary practiceAbstract
The production of textile and associated products accounted for a significant proportion of economic activity in Ancient Rome. From the writings of ancient authors, from the epigraphic material and artistic representations, as well as from the archaeological records, its importance is obvious. These sources enable us to form a rough picture of an industry whose final products and also tools are as a rule easily perishable. The present contribution provides an outline of the different aspects of textile production, and discusses its other role – just as it constituted a substantial part of industry and commerce, so did its rich symbolism feature prominently in Roman culture. Weaving, and even more so spinning were typically associated with the mundus mulieris in Ancient Rome. Spinning wool in particular and woolworking in general was traditionally regarded as a key feminine virtue; on the other hand, studies of funerary inscriptions and depictions suggest that the professional textile workforce, with the exception of spinners, was overall mostly male. The foremost aim of this contribution is to present how the dual nature of textile is reflected in the archaeological record of Slovenia, and how this important but elusive craft can be traced.
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