What Do Images in a Tomb Reveal about Its Owner?

An Analysis of the Wall Paintings in a Neviodunum Hypogeum


  • Katarina Šmid University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities, Koper, Slovenia




Neviodunum, Pannonia, utriclarius, winegrower, funerary art, wall painting, profession, apotheosis


The article investigates the wall paintings in a hypogeum in Neviodunum, focusing on a charioteer depicted on an ox cart transporting a large barrel. This figure is interpreted as a winegrower, reflecting the historical importance of viticulture in the region since the advent of the Roman era. Alternatively, the figure might represent an utriclarius, a person who transports and sells wine, or possibly the owner of the wine. Such depictions of professions, common in the Gallic provinces, are rare in Pannonia. Notably, these portrayals of occupations are often associated with images of banquets, as observed on the southern wall of the Neviodunum hypogeum. The western wall features a charioteer in a galloping quadriga. Symbolically, the entire iconographic programme might illustrate the stages of life: profession, death (convivium), and apotheosis (quadriga in gallop).


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19. 12. 2024



I. De re oeconomica or Economics in Antiquity

How to Cite

Šmid, Katarina. 2024. “What Do Images in a Tomb Reveal about Its Owner? An Analysis of the Wall Paintings in a Neviodunum Hypogeum”. Keria: Studia Latina Et Graeca 26 (1): 63-72. https://doi.org/10.4312/keria.26.1.63-72.