Epigraphically Documented Merchants in the Eastern Alpine Region
Mercatores versus negotiatores
epigraphy, gravestones, altars, merchants, Rome, Venetia et Histria, Noricum, PannoniaeAbstract
Throughout history commerce has been an important branch of economy. The Roman Empire was no exception, and merchants are often documented in the inscriptions of the Imperial period, usually on gravestones or in dedications of votive monuments, exceptionally on other kinds of epigraphic monuments as well. The paper gathers the references to merchants found in four administrative units of the Roman Empire: Venetia et Histria (including Aquileia and other important towns of northern Italy), Noricum, and the two Pannonias. These units either included present-day Slovenian territory or exercised the most influence on it. The research focuses on the merchants dubbed mercatores and on those identified as negotiatores (or negotiantes).
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