Grammars Preceding the 16th-Century Bohorič Grammar in Some European Countries Relevant to Slovenia
Slovene language, grammar, Latin grammars, 16th cent.Abstract
The paper describes the grammars of European vernacular languages as possible indirect and (partly) direct sources for the first grammar of the Slovene language, Arcticae Horulae Succisivae de Latinocarniolana Literatura [Free Winter Hours on Latin-Carniolian Grammar], written in 1584 by Adam Bohorič. Within this framework, the situation in the field of grammar writing is outlined for Germany (Ickelsamer, Albertus, Ölinger, Clajus), France (de Bovelles, Dubois, Drosée, Meigret, R. Estienne, de la Ramée , Pillot, Garnier, Cauchie), Italy (Alberti, Fortunio, Bembo, Corso, Dolce, Castelvetro, Ruscelli, Salviati, Giambullari, Trissino), Bohemia (Optát, Gzel, Philomates, Blahoslav), and Poland (Statorius). The grammar works of the individual authors are described in detail, put into the context of European production, and commented on from the viewpoint of their possible influence on the Bohorič grammar. Particular emphasis is placed on the German grammar by Johannes Clajus (1578), which may have served as its direct source, and on the Polish grammar by Statorius (1568), which shows similarities to the Bohorič grammar in both development and sources.