The Classical Languages in the Slovene School System 1921–1926


  • Matej Hriberšek University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts



school system, classical education, Latin, Greek, history of classical education, pressure on the classical languages, Slovenia


The chaotic condition of the school system was an unfortunate legacy bequeathed to the Slovene system by Austria. The two classical languages were under the same pressure as ever, with the amount of time allotted to their instruction coming under constant criticism. Soon there emerged ideas about reforming secondary education, particularly about its unification for the entire state, with the chief initiative coming from the Minister of Education, Svetozar Pribièeviè. The secondary education reform began to be implemented in 1924, following numerous political changes, replacements, and heated debates on the issue. The classical gymnasiums (Slovenia had three at the time, one in Ljubljana, one in Maribor, and a private (episcopal) institution at Šentvid by Ljubljana) were not affected by these changes. Their implications, however, were more serious for Latin instruction at the so-called "Realgymnasiums" (i.e. gymnasiums with an emphasis on the modern languages or mathematics and the sciences), which was reduced in favour of lessons in the mother tongue, history, and French. These conditions were maintained (with occasional temporary modifications) until the end of World War II.


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6. 07. 2005



Scholarly Articles

How to Cite

Hriberšek, Matej. 2005. “The Classical Languages in the Slovene School System 1921–1926”. Keria: Studia Latina Et Graeca 7 (1): 39-54.