Aura of the art of music - Aristotle's philosophical aesthetics of music
Aura, art of music - Aristotle's philosophical aesthetics of musicAbstract
Beginning with a short examination of Aristotle's observations on music in the Poetics the article concentrates on the Aristotelian philosophy of music in the Politics. An important part of Aristotle's theory of state is a comprehensive system of liberal education, which is grounded in music. Referring to Damon, Plato and other philosophers of music Aristotle develops his own conception of musical imitation, which conveys the similarity between art and life. This affinity is the ground for different powers ofmusic: entertainment, education and civilised pursuits. The responsibility and care for the education of children and of citizens is conceived as care and diligence about art and music which becomes a real care for the soul, cultura animi. The article has following sections: 1. Poetry, music, education, 2. Ethos and musical mimesis, 3. Music and Education, 4. The purpose ofmusic and musical katharsis, 5. Musical katharsis, aesthetic pleasure and art experience, 6. Concluding remarks on music and katharsis.