Advertising Policy
Publisher: University of Ljubljana Press (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport)
Advertiser: a legal or natural person advertising their service or product/commissioning the advertising content
Advertising Agent, if other than the Advertiser: Agency
- All advertisements must be approved by Kinesiologia Slovenica (the Publisher), which reserves the right to reject or revoke an advertisement.
- The Advertiser guarantees that they have all the permissions for publishing all the content and materials in all the advertisements accepted and published by the Publisher.
- In regard to the published advertisements, the Advertiser agrees not to hold the Publisher, its officers, or employees responsible for any cost (including legal cost) or losses arising from the content of the advertisement, including but not limited to claims or allegations for defamation, privacy breaches or plagiarism.
- The Publisher shall not be held liable for any unpublished advertisement it accepts, and it shall strive to publish an unpublished advertisement in the next available space.
- All advertisements must clearly and prominently identify the Advertiser with its brand or signature.
- The Advertising Agent shall obtain written consent from the Publisher for any reference to the Publisher or its products in the advertisement, promotional materials or other marketing activities.
- The Publisher cannot guarantee to position an advertisement in a fixed place, except for the advertisement on the inside of the cover.
- The Publisher shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damage due to errors in the display or printing of the advertisement. The Publisher may at any time amend the terms and conditions in this document; however, such changes shall not apply to advertisements commissioned before the changes are published. If a commissioned advertisement is not paid, the Publisher reserves the right to hold the Advertiser and the Advertising Agency jointly liable for paying the invoice. The proprietary names of pharmaceutical products must be accompanied by their chemical, generic or official names, and the quantity of all active ingredients must be listed alongside the recommended dose, as required by the regulator. The Advertiser represents and guarantees that all the advertisements and advertised pharmaceutical products are compliant with the applicable laws, rules, and regulations in Slovenia where the advertisement will be shown. Advertisements for pharmaceutical products (including new products) that are regulated by the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of the Republic of Slovenia must comply with the agency’s rules on advertising and promotion.
- Job advertisements: All job advertisements must be non-discriminatory and compliant with the applicable laws and regulations.
- Advertisements that are discriminatory on the basis of gender, age, race, religion, marital status, or physical handicap shall not be accepted. Digital advertisements: Any use of Kinsiologia Slovenica brands or copyrighted materials for linking to and from the website must be approved by the Publisher in advance. Unauthorized linking is not allowed.
- The Publisher shall not endorse any product or organization that provided links to its website. The Publisher shall not be responsible for the content of any website listed in an advertisement.
- The Advertiser and the Agency are forbidden from using pixels, cookies, tracking tags or similar technologies for collecting personal data in their advertisements.