Upravljanje sprememb v visokošolski knjižnici: primer univerzitetne knjižnice v Vilni


  • Marija Prokopčik Vilnius University Library, Director for nformation activities research and heritage, Vilnius University, Faculty of communication, Universiteto g. 3, LT -01122 Vilnius
  • Irena Krivienė Vilnius University Library, General Director, Universiteto g. 3, LT -01122 Vilnius



Ključne besede:

visokošolske knjižnice, odprt dostop, podpora raziskovanju, upravljanje podatkov, ocenjevanje raziskovalnega dela, upravljanje sprememb



Purpose: The main objective of this article is to ascertain some most significant fields of the academic library activities, which have (or could have) an impact on strengthening the library’s role as a partner in academic community, as well as to perform assessment of Vilnius University Library (thereinafter VUL) capacities in order to see what kind of current or future activities performed by the library may contribute to the building-up of such role in Vilnius University (thereinafter VU) community.
Methodology/approach: Analysis of LIS professional literature of the latter five years reveals the key trends in development of academic libraries, their innovative change and challenges – partnerships of open access, managing of research data; research support; research assessment, Library scientific research, as well as allows to perform situation analysis of one particular library in order to see if and at what scale these identified trends can be traced in VUL.
Results: It was established that VUL contributes to the idea and practical implementation of open access, collaborates with VU and Lithuania’s academic community in the projects of research data management, takes an active part in carrying out bibliometric research, helps to form a range of research support services, promotes the Library’s scholarly research and contributes to formation of the institution’s research potential.
Research limitation: This article focuses on analysis of one academic library (VUL) and its activities. Such issues like studies support, library as a space for communication, professional assistance in research events organization, improvement of information and media literacy were deliberately not covered.
Originality/practical implications: Identification of common trends and measures of their practical implementation in one particular institution may be useful for other libraries planning the strategy of change and (or) implementing selected solutions.


Namen: Glavni namen članka je ugotoviti, katera so najpomembnejša področja dejavnosti visokošolske knjižnice, ki vplivajo (ali bi lahko vplivala) na večjo vlogo knjižnice kot partnerja v akademskem okolju kot tudi oceniti, katere sedanje oziroma prihodnje aktivnosti Univerzitetne knjižnice iz Vilniusa (VUL) lahko povečajo partnersko vlogo knjižnice v univerzitetnem okolju v Vilniusu.
Metodologija/pristop: Analiza strokovne literature s področja bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti v zadnjih petih letih kaže temeljne trende razvoja visokošolskih knjižnic, inovativne spremembe in izzive – partnerstvo pri odprtem dostopu, upravljanje z raziskovalnimi podatki, podporo razvoju, ocenjevanje razvoja, znanstveno raziskovanje; omogoča tudi, da ocenimo posamezno knjižnico ter tako ugotovimo, ali in v kolikšni meri VUL sledi tem trendom razvoja.
Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da VUL prispeva k zagotavljanju odprtega dostopa, sodeluje z Univerzo v Vilni in akademskim okoljem v Litvi pri projektih upravljanja raziskovalnih podatkov, izvaja bibliometrične raziskave, sodeluje pri zagotavljanju podpore za raziskovalno delo, promovira znanstveno raziskovanje v knjižnici in prispeva k oblikovanju razvojnega potenciala knjižnice.
Omejitve raziskave: Članek temelji na analizi le ene visokošolske knjižnice (VUL) in njene dejavnosti in namerno ne obravnava knjižnice kot prostora za komuniciranje ter njene vloge pri podpori učenju, nudenju strokovne pomoči pri organizaciji znanstvenih dogodkov, izboljšanju informacijske in medijske pismenosti.
Izvirnost/uporabnost raziskave: Prepoznavanje skupnih trendov razvoja v določeni knjižnici in njihova uporaba v praksi sta lahko koristna tudi pri načrtovanju strateških sprememb in (ali) njihovem uresničevanju tudi v drugih knjižnicah.


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Kako citirati

Prokopčik, M., & Krivienė, I. (2014). Upravljanje sprememb v visokošolski knjižnici: primer univerzitetne knjižnice v Vilni. Knjižnica: Revija Za področje Bibliotekarstva in Informacijske Znanosti, 57(2-3). https://doi.org/10.55741/knj.57.2-3.13944