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metodologija ustvarjanja smisla, Brenda Dervin, študij uporabnikov, informacijsko ravnanjePovzetek
IzvlečekV članku je predstavljena metodologija ustvarjanja smisla Brende Dervin kot specifični pristop k študiju uporabnikov. Orisani so pojmi subjekta, vrzeli, verbalizacije, informacije itd., ki utemeljujejo procesni pristop te teorije k raziskovanju informacijskega ravnanja. Trikotnik ustvarjanja smisla je izhodiščni model, ki omogoča tematizacijo informacijskega oziroma komunikacijskega ravnanja v posameznih kontekstih. Predstavljen je tudi pogled teorije na oblikovanje informacijskih sistemov, vlogo moči ter metodološke implikacije za konkretno raziskovanje iskanja in rabe informacij.
Carter, Richard F. (1980). Discontinuity and Communication. Paper presented at East-West Center Conference on Communication Theory East and West, Honolulu, Hawaii. V East-West Center Conference on Communication Theory East and West. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Carter, Richard F. (1989). What does a gap imply? Paper presented at annual convention of the International Communication Association, San Francisco. V Annual convention of the International Communication Association. San Francisco.
Clark, Kathleen D., & Archer, Julie L. (1999) Bibliography of journal articles citing Dervin as of July 1999. Pridobljeno 1.VI.2001 s spletne strani:
Dervin, Brenda (1983a). Information as user construct: the relevance of perceived information needs to synthesis and interpretation. V S. A. Ward, & L. J. Reed (ur.), Knowledge structure and use: Implications for synthesis and interpretation (str. 153-183). Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Dervin, Brenda (1983b) An overview of sense-making research: Concepts, methods and results to date. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Dallas, TX, May. Pridobljeno 2.VI.2001 s spletne strani:
Dervin, Brenda (1989a). Audience as listener and learner, teacher and confidante. The sense making approach. V R. Rice, & C. Atkins (ur.), Public communications campaigns (str. 67-86). Newbury Park: Sage.
Dervin, Brenda (1989b). Users as research inventions: how research categories perpetuate inequities. Journal of Communication, 39(3), str. 216-233. DOI:
Dervin, Brenda (1991). Comparative theory reconceptualized: from entities and states to processes and dynamics. Communication Theory, 1(1), str. 59-69. DOI:
Dervin, Brenda (1992). From the mind’s eye of the ‘user’: The sense-making qualitative-quantitative methodology. V J. D. Glazier, & R. R. Powell (ur.), Qualitative research in information management (str. 61-84). Englewood: Libraries Unlimited.
Dervin, Brenda (1994). Information - democracy: an examination of underlying assumptions. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 45(6), str. 369-385. DOI:<369::AID-ASI3>3.0.CO;2-5
Dervin, Brenda (1998). Sense-making theory and practice: an overview of user interests in knowledge seeking and use. Journal of Knowledge Management, 2(2), str. 36-46. DOI:
Dervin, Brenda (1999a). Chaos, order and sense-making: a proposed theory for information design. V R. Jacobson (ur.), Information design (str. 35-57). Cambridge: MIT Press.
Dervin, Brenda (1999b). On studying information seeking methodologically: the implications of connecting metatheory to method. Information Processing and Management, 35, str. 727-750. DOI:
Dervin, Brenda, & Clark, Kathleen D. (1993). Communication and democracy: a mandate for procedural invention. V S. Splichal, & J. Wasko (ur.), Communication and democracy (str. 103-140). Norwood NJ: Ablex.
Dervin, Brenda, & Nilan, Michael. (1986). Information needs and uses. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST), 21, str. 3-33.
Pettigrew, Karen E., Fidel, Raya, & Bruce, Harry. (2001). Conceptual frameworks in information behaviour. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST), 35, str. 43-78.
Pivec, Franci (2001) Informacijska družba in knjižnice. Pridobljeno 8.XI.2003 s spletne strani:
Savolainen, Reijo (1993). The sense-making theory: reviewing the interests of a user-centered approach to information seeking and use. Information Processing and Management, 29 (1), str. 13-28. DOI:
Vodeb, Gorazd (2003). Študij uporabnikov in organizacija referalne dejavnosti. Magistrsko delo. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani.