Dr. Jure Žigon received the Jesenko Award of the Biotechnical Faculty UL for the best PhD graduate in 2021

Dr. Jure Žigon je prejel Jesenkovo nagrado Biotehniške fakultete UL za najboljšega diplomanta doktorskega študija 3. stopnje 2021


  • Sebastian Dahle
  • Marko Petrič




Jesenko Award, the best graduate of doctoral studies, Biotechnical faculty, University of Ljubljana


The Jesenko Awards of the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, are the highest awards for pedagogical, research and professional achievements and for economic and general social progress in the biotechnical field in Slovenia. The Biotechnical Faculty has been giving these awards since 1973, including the Jesenko Award for the best doctoral studies graduate. For 2021 the recipient of this award was Assist. Dr. Jure Žigon, who received it at a celebration in March 2022. Dr. Žigon is employed at the Department of Wood Science and Technology at the Biotechnical Faculty as an independent professional associate.


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COBISS, Kooperativni online bibliografski sistem Osebna bibliografija Jure Žigon za obdobje 2012-2022. URL: http://splet02.izum.si/cobiss/bibliography?code=37804 (5.4.2022)

Nacionalni portal odprte znanosti, avtor Jure Žigon. URL: http://www.openscience.si/NaprednoIskanje.aspx?q=1:12:Jure+%C5%BDigon (18.3.2022)

Svečana podelitev Jesenkovih nagrad in priznanj fakultete, Zbornična dvorana Univerze v Ljubljani [Video]. YouTube, Biotehniška fakulteta. URL: https://youtu.be/9gnMR4CTcPA?t=3993 (18.3.2022)

RUL- Repozitorij Univeze v Ljubljani, avtor Jure Žigon. URL: https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/Iskanje.php?type=enostavno&lang=slv&niz=jure+%C5%BEigon&vir=dk (5.4.2022)






How to Cite

Dahle, S., & Petrič, M. (2022). Dr. Jure Žigon received the Jesenko Award of the Biotechnical Faculty UL for the best PhD graduate in 2021: Dr. Jure Žigon je prejel Jesenkovo nagrado Biotehniške fakultete UL za najboljšega diplomanta doktorskega študija 3. stopnje 2021. Les/Wood, 71(1), 71-76. https://doi.org/10.26614/les-wood.2022.v71n01a07