Effects of natural ageing on selected physical and mechanical properties of structural timber

Vpliv naravnega staranja na izbrane fizikalne in mehanske lastnosti konstrukcijskega lesa


  • Matjaž Dremelj Biotehniška fakulteta
  • Aleš Straže




wood, ageing, colour, hygroscopicity, dimensional stability, sorption, mechanical properties


After harvesting, wood in constructions undergoes an ageing process that depends, among other things, on exposure conditions. During its lifetime wood is subject to photodegradation, biodegradation, surface and internal structural changes, and ageing, which is reflected in changes in colour, chemical composition, hygroscopicity, dimensional stability, and mechanical properties. We present a literature review, with particular emphasis on the influence of exposure conditions on changes in wood properties, chemical and microstructural changes, and changes in colour, sorption, and mechanical properties. In general, ageing-related changes can be very slow and difficult to detect, in part because of the wide natural variability in wood properties. Knowledge of the changes in naturally aged wood is critical for preserving cultural heritage, evaluating the safety of wood structures, and planning their conservation. When planning maintenance, conservation, and restoration of cultural heritage, we can better understand the structural changes, moisture and stress deformation states of wood structures, and interactions with other building materials if we consider the ageing of structural wood.


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How to Cite

Dremelj, M., & Straže, A. (2022). Effects of natural ageing on selected physical and mechanical properties of structural timber: Vpliv naravnega staranja na izbrane fizikalne in mehanske lastnosti konstrukcijskega lesa. Les/Wood, 71(2), 45-56. https://doi.org/10.26614/les-wood.2022.v71n02a05