Prof. Dr. Primož Oven – recipient of the Golden Plaque of the University of Ljubljana
Prof. dr. Primož Oven – prejemnik Zlate plakete Univerze v Ljubljani
Univerza v Ljubljani, Zlata plaketa Univerze, kemija lesaAbstract
From November 28 to December 2, 2022, the University Week was held at the University of Ljubljana (UL). As in previous years, and on this, the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the University, the most outstanding research achievements were presented, and honorary degrees, plaques, awards and recognitions were given to all those who have contributed to make the University of Ljubljana better year after year. At the Department of Wood Science and Technology of the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, we are very proud that at the ceremonial meeting of the Senate of the University of Ljubljana on November 29, 2022, our colleague, the Head of the Chair of Wood Chemistry and Other Lignocellulosic Materials, Prof. Dr. Primož Oven, was also awarded the Golden Plaque. Prof. Oven is an internationally recognised researcher and lecturer in the field of research on the relationships between functions, structures, chemistry and properties of wood, biorefineries and valorisation of woody biomass, with a focus on the extraction and use of nanocellulose and wood extracts. In the academic and business environment, he promotes the sustainable use of wood in the circular bioeconomy and takes care of UL’s reputation at home and abroad.
Bibliografija Primož Oven – COBISS, Kooperativni online bibliografski sistem. URL: (8. 12. 2022).
Oven, P. (2022a). Katedra za kemijo lesa in drugih lignoceluloznih materialov. V: Matjašec, D., Sepčić, K., Kunej, T. & Brus, R. (ur.), Petinsedemdesetletnica Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. Ljubljana : Biotehniška fakulteta, 37-39. URL: (8. 12. 2022).
Oven, P. (2022b). Chair of chemisty of wood and other lignocellulose materials. In: Matjašec, D., Sepčić, K., Kunej, T. & Brus, R. (eds.), Seventy fifth anniversary of the Biotechnical Faculty University of Ljubljana [na spletu]. Ljubljana: Biotechnical Faculty, 37-39. URL: (8. 12. 2022)
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