Dieter Eckstein, 1939-2021 and his rich legacy of dendrochronology in Slovenia and the world

Dieter Eckstein, 1939-2021 in njegova bogata zapuščina za dendrokronologijo v Sloveniji in po svetu


  • Katarina Čufar



dendrochronology, wood biology, wood anatomy, tree-ring chronologies, dendrochronology community


Prof. Dr. Dieter Eckstein (1939-2021) was a leading scientist, teacher, mentor, leader, promoter and motivator
in the field of dendrochronology and wood biology. After graduating in wood science and receiving a PhD in
dendrochronology, he was professor of wood biology at the University of Hamburg. From 1995-2004, he was Director of the Department of Wood Biology, University of Hamburg, and of the Institute of Wood Biology and Wood Protection at the Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products in Hamburg, Germany. His work had a decisive influence on the development of wood anatomy, wood biology and dendrochronology and his laboratory was a reference point for dendrochronology worldwide. He supported dendrochronologists throughout Europe and around the world in their pioneering work to establish dendrochronology laboratories and develop dendrochronology in numerous countries, including Slovenia.


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Čufar, K., De Luis, M., Zupancic, M., & Eckstein, D. (2008a). A 548-year tree-ring chronology of oak (Quercus spp.) for southeast Slovenia and its significance as a dating tool and climate archive. Tree-Ring Research, 64 (1), 3-15. DOI:

Čufar, K., De Luis, M., Eckstein, D., & Kajfež-Bogataj, L. (2008b). Reconstructing dry and wet summers in SE Slovenia from oak tree-ring series. International Journal of Biometeorology, 52(7), 607-615. DOI:

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Garcia Gonzalez, I., & Eckstein, D. (2003). Climatic signal of earlywood vessels of oak on a maritime site. Tree Physiology, 23(7), 497-504. DOI:

Liang, E., & Eckstein, D. (2006). Light rings in Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) in semiarid areas of north China and their palaeo-climatological potential. New Phytologyst, 171 (4), 783-791. DOI:

Liang, E., Liu., W., Ren, P., Dawadi, B., & Eckstein, D. (2014). The alpine dwarf shrub Cassiope fastigiata in the Himalayas: does it reflect site-specific climatic signals in its annual growth rings? Trees, 29 (1), 79-86. DOI:

Liese, W., Schneider, M., & Eckstein, D. (1975). Histometrische Untersuchungen am Holz einer rauchgeschädigten Fichte. European Journal of Forest Pathology, 5, 152-161. DOI:

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Schmitt, U., Koch, G., Eckstein, D., Seo, J. W., Prislan, P., Gričar, J., Čufar, K., Stobbe, H., & Jalkanen, R. (2016). The vascular cambium of trees and its involvement in defining xylem anatomy. In: Kim, Y. S., Funada, R., P. Singh, A. P. Eds. Secondary Xylem Biology, Origins, Functions, and Applications. Academic Press, Elsevier, pp 3-24. DOI:

Seo, J.-W., Eckstein, D., Olbrich, A., Jalkanen, R., Salminen, H., Schmitt, U., & Fromm, J. (2013). Climate control of wood formation : illustrated for Scots Pine at its northern distribution limit. Plant Cell Monographs 20, 159-185. DOI:

Wazny, T., & Eckstein, D. (1987). Der Holzhandel von Danzig/Gdansk - Geschichte, Umfang, und Reichweite. Holz als Roh und Werkstoff, 45, 509-513. DOI:

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Bibliography of dendrochronology WSL, (4 Dec. 2021)

Scopus, Bibliography Dieter Eckstein, (4 Dec. 2021)

Thuenen institute, Bibliography Dieter Eckstein, (4 Dec. 2021)

Wazny, T. (2021). [ITRDBFOR] Dieter Eckstein 1939-2021, International dendrochronology discussion list - arc – itrdbfor (10 Nov. 2021)







How to Cite

Čufar, K. (2021). Dieter Eckstein, 1939-2021 and his rich legacy of dendrochronology in Slovenia and the world : Dieter Eckstein, 1939-2021 in njegova bogata zapuščina za dendrokronologijo v Sloveniji in po svetu. Les/Wood, 70(2), 99-109.

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