Evaluation of the wood degradation in the underground fort Goli vrh
Ocena razkrojenosti lesa v Podzemni slemenski utrdbi Goli vrh
underground fort, wood, decay, moisture content, wood decay fungi, biocidal productsAbstract
Before the Second World War, a large underground fortress was built around Goli vrh. Some wood remains in the fort from the time of construction, and some wooden objects have been exhibited in the fort. Several years after the opening of the fort, large scale decomposition was observed on the wood. A sensor for monitoring the relative air humidity and temperature was installed. In addition, a few samples of wood were isolated and examined by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and laser confocal linear microscopy. The analysis confirmed the high humidity of the wood and the presence of wood decay fungi on all wood objects, with the exception of wooden ammunition boxes.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Miha Humar, Boštjan Lesar, Davor Kržišnik, Andreja Žagar, Angela Balzano
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