Utilisation, market volumes and projections of the potential of hardwood roundwood in Slovenia


  • Špela Ščap Researcher
  • Matevž Triplat




hardwood, roundwood flows, sawmills, market, potentials


Forestry and wood processing are strategically important industries for Slovenia and have been strengthening their role in the bioeconomy. The study addresses the use of hardwood timber in Slovenia. For actors involved in the use of hardwood timber, it is important to know the available volume of domestic timber that affects the market. For this reason, the survey presented in this work builds on the methodology for estimating the volumes and potentials of hardwood timber developed in 2014. For future decision-making on the development of the forestry and wood-processing sector, it is also essential to analyse wood flows carried out among the major wood processors of round hardwood timber. The estimated theoretical market potential for lower-quality hardwood in Slovenian forests in 2021 was 2.372 million m³, and the estimated theoretical market potential for logs was 0.777 million m³. The estimated real market potential for lower-quality hardwood in 2022 was 0.741 million m³, and for hardwood logs 0.528 million m³. Projections of hardwood potential show that similar volumes of wood will be on the market in 2025 as in 2022. The consumption of round hardwood in 2021 was 1.433 million m³, of which 0.906 million m³ was processed for energy purposes, and the remaining 0.527 million m³ was used in industry. The survey results confirm the concerns about hardwood wood use in Slovenia and indicate opportunities for the future development of the Slovenian forest and wood sector.


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How to Cite

Ščap, Špela, & Triplat, M. (2024). Utilisation, market volumes and projections of the potential of hardwood roundwood in Slovenia. Les/Wood, 72(1), 5-20. https://doi.org/10.26614/les-wood.2023.v72n01a02

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