Verd – newly discovered pile-dwelling from the 5th millennium BC in Ljubljansko barje, Slovenia


  • Anton Velušček
  • Mojca Horjak Šuštaršič
  • Tjaša Tolar
  • Borut Toškan
  • Maks Merela
  • Katarina Čufar University of Ljubljana



pile dwelling, Ljubljansko barje, Neolithic, archaeological wood, archaeozoology, archaeobotany, dendrochronology, radiocarbon wiggle-matching


We present the results of interdisciplinary research on the newly discovered pile-dwelling site Verd on the western edge of Ljubljansko barje. Decisive for the age determination of the site were the results of dendrochronological investigations and radiocarbon dating of wood using the wiggle-matching method. The estimated felling date of trees for two piles is 4674 ± 42 cal BC, suggesting that Verd is contemporaneous with or slightly older than the oldest pile-dwelling settlement known to date, Resnikov prekop near Ig. The pottery finds from Verd are typologically similar to those from the Resnikov prekop. Archaeozoological investigations have revealed only hunted animals and no domestic animals. Archaeobotanical analyses show that the Verd settlement, was located in a relatively natural and marshy environment without significant human influence. Despite the small size of the excavation field and the relatively small number of finds, the results from all disciplines indicate that the Verd site, with its Neolithic remains from the 5th millennium BC, probably represents the oldest known pile-dwelling settlement in the Ljubljansko barje.


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How to Cite

Velušček, A., Horjak Šuštaršič, M., Tolar, T., Toškan, B., & Merela, M. (2023). Verd – newly discovered pile-dwelling from the 5th millennium BC in Ljubljansko barje, Slovenia. Les/Wood, 72(2), 17-36.

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