The Phraseology of the Bullfighting World and Translating It Into Italian Language

Cultural and Contrastive Aspects


  • Luis Luque Toro Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy



bullfighting culture, metaphor, equivalence, semantics, bullfighting world


This study focuses on the translation of expressions from the bullfighting world, a specialized language embedded in popular culture. The translator needs, above all, to have a good understanding of how bullfighting expressions and metaphors are used in different contexts in everyday language. Our aim has been to examine the question of dynamic equivalence, considering the translation of the cultural value of each word and, in turn, the semantic gap that can result in the transformation of the connotative values of bullfighting expressions in translation.


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23. 12. 2022

How to Cite

Luque Toro, L. (2022). The Phraseology of the Bullfighting World and Translating It Into Italian Language: Cultural and Contrastive Aspects. Linguistica, 62(1-2), 263-276.