On the Image Development of Climate Stripes in Digital and Urban Spaces

From the Scientific Techno-Image to an Image in Hybrid Constellations of Semiotic Landscapes


  • Eva Gredel University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany




climate change, semiotic landscapes, multimodality, techno-image


In recent years, “UNITE BEHIND THE SCIENCE” has repeatedly appeared on signs, stickers and websites of initiatives such as Fridays for Future, End Fossil: Occupy! and Extinction Rebellion. Since 2018, the protagonists of these initiatives have been using this slogan to point out that scientists have been warning about climate change and its consequences for many years. They legitimize their claims by appropriating scientific facts and visualizations. In this context, ‘warming stripes’ have significantly developed in hybrid constellations of semiotic landscapes that have achieved a wide reach in urban and digital spaces. In this paper, the warming stripes are examined as entities in the socio-historical context of the ‘digital condition’ (Stalder 2016) and an element of semiotic landscapes.


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23. 12. 2024

How to Cite

Gredel, E. (2024). On the Image Development of Climate Stripes in Digital and Urban Spaces: From the Scientific Techno-Image to an Image in Hybrid Constellations of Semiotic Landscapes. Linguistica, 64(1), 79-96. https://doi.org/10.4312/linguistica.64.1.79-96