German in the History of Maribor
German, Maribor, Maribor German, colloquial Slovene language in Maribor, GermanismsAbstract
Since the beginning of the development of the city of Maribor in in 12th century, the contacts between the Slovene and German languages and cultures have had a great impact on its history. This German cultural influence became particularly evident in 13th century when the city came under the rule of the Habsburgs and, as a consequence, received numerous immigrants from German-speaking countries, primarily from what are today the Austrian land of Carinthia and Styria, but also from Bavaria and several German medieval cities. This contributed to the shaping of the heavily Germanized character of the city. The German-speaking newcomers were usually highly qualified and quickly took on leading positions in business and public life. In the 1860s, Maribor witnessed some violent national, political and cultural conflicts between its German-speaking and Slovene-speaking citizens. Since then, both languages have served as markers of identity and as means of political expression for its citizens in everyday communication as well as in educational and cultural settings. The intense contact between the two languages gave rise to a colloquial variety of German with Slovene interference (Maribor German) and to a variety of colloquial Slovene characterized by numerous Germanisms.
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