German Borrowings in the Dialect of Kropa: Language Contact from a Variationist Perspective
language contact, German settlers, Upper Carniola, Kropa dialect, German borrowingsAbstract
The article deals with language contact in Kropa, a settlement in Upper Carniola. More than six hundred years ago, German-speaking migrants coming mostly from what is now Austrian Carinthia settled in Kropa where the metalworking industry was developing. The contact between the residents of Kropa and the Carinthians as well as the merchants who sold Kropa metal products in and outside the region, influenced the local Slovene dialect. German borrowings are considered as evident traces of the close interaction between the Slovene and German languages. In the paper, we discuss non-standard German loanwords in terms of their semantic fields and their distribution across different varieties of Slovene. Similar German borrowings have also been found in Croatian and are listed in a recently published lexicon of Germanisms in Croatian dialects. The Kropa case is an example of intense Slavic and German language contact, which is found elsewhere in Southeastern Europe.
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