Supporting the learning process of LSP learners with a coaching-oriented approach: examples in the context of an international project
autonomous language learning, LSP teaching methodology, coaching-oriented approach, teacher's role, international projectAbstract
A constant element of professional discourse on teaching methodology is the need for a change in pedagogical culture, which includes a shift from the traditional teacher-centred approach toward a teacher’s role that supports the learning process and gives more space to student choices. In the CORALL project conducted at our university we have promoted this change in pedagogical culture by developing and implementing a coaching-oriented approach. The main aim of this paper is to show what a coaching-oriented approach means in LSP teaching in the framework of an international university project and how the coaching-oriented approach is integrated in the material developed in the project. We have applied a qualitative analysis of the project material along the basic features of the coaching-oriented approach, including treating learners as partners, increasing transparency, developing learner awareness and encouraging reflection, as well as supporting language learners to make informed choices using their own resources. The main findings of the study underline that the coaching-oriented approach can be applied in teaching and learning LSP but also emphasise the need for a supportive environment and step-by-step implementation strategies for effective pedagogical transformation. Finally, the study illustrates how the CORALL project can be used as an inspirational model for change in the teaching methodology of LSP and other subjects.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alexandra Szenich, Reka Asztalos, Agnes Pal (Author)
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