Exonyms as elements of LSP terminology and as a learning challenge
autonomous learning, English, exonyms, Italian, learning strategies, terminologyAbstract
In this paper, the authors address the issue of the status and relevance of exonyms within standard English and Italian. Specifically, country names and demonyms of internationally recognized nations are analysed as integral parts of the respective professional terminologies pertinent to the field of international relations and diplomacy as well as to other professional fields whose activities take place at the international level or those that are inseparable from intercultural communication in general. Furthermore, the results of an empirical research carried out with students of Italian Studies and Political Science at the University of Zagreb, who have reached the B2 level in Italian/English, are presented. The research included a test of students’ command of exonyms in their native language, namely Croatian, as well as in Italian/English, while another test of students’ command of exonyms in Italian/English was conducted after the one-month period assigned to the students for autonomous learning. Moreover, the authors aimed to establish the students’ perception of the importance of exonyms for their future linguistic/professional competence. The results of the research show that the initial command of exonyms by English learners was significantly higher than that of Italian learners, while greater progress through the autonomous learning process was achieved by Italian learners. Despite the fact that students attributed a high level of importance to the acquisition of exonyms, the results of the research suggest that the underlying motivation is not actually intrinsic; for this reason, learning should be more structured and guided, while its outcomes should preferably be subjected to a formal academic assessment.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Saša Bjelobaba, Sandra Mardešić (Author)
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