The task as the central unit of planning and instruction in the EAP syllabus design


  • Marijana Birtić Vučić Centre for Foreign Languages, University of Zadar Author
  • Anamarija Štulina Centre for Foreign Languages, University of Zadar Author



task, task-based language teaching (TBLT), English for Academic Purposes (EAP), syllabus design


Informed by the knowledge, practical experience and challenges encountered during designing syllabi for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) 1 and 2 courses, this teaching report outlines the design of the syllabi for the continuing EAP 3 and EAP 4 courses. Targeted at second-year undergraduate students in the Humanities and Social Sciences programmes at the University of Zadar, Croatia, these courses necessitate tailored approaches to language instruction that address students' specific academic needs. The needs-based approach to the design process aimed to facilitate students' overall communicative competence, address their reluctance towards oral participation, and foster proficiency in academic language skills relevant to their disciplines. To achieve these objectives, the syllabi integrate the principles of task-based language teaching (TBLT), specifically utilizing tasks as the central unit for planning and instruction. Task selection and design emphasized real-world academic scenarios, ensuring the chosen tasks reflect authentic language use that students will encounter in their studies. By incorporating TBLT principles, this report offers a framework for enhancing language learning in EAP courses. This framework promotes authentic language use and ultimately supports students' academic success within their chosen fields. Pedagogical implications include the utilization of TBLT principles to tailor language instruction for EAP courses, focusing on academic scenarios to enhance students' communicative competence and academic language proficiency.


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23. 12. 2024



Teaching reports

How to Cite

Birtić Vučić, M., & Štulina, A. (2024). The task as the central unit of planning and instruction in the EAP syllabus design. Scripta Manent, 19(2), 56-68.