acrobatic gymnastics, sports classes, physical fitness, developmentAbstract
The pre-school period is very important in early specialization disciplines (such as various forms of gymnastics). A wisely directed training process during this period ensures the prolongation of development and stabilization in shaping the child's motor skills. In order for gymnasts to perform a variety of gymnastic elements and routines effectively and accurately, the optimal level of their physical fitness is essential. The research material consists of the results of a two-year study of girls and boys aged 7-9. A total of 253 pupils took part in the study. It involved 167 pupils of general classes (75 girls and 92 boys) and 86 pupils from sports classes - sports acrobatics classes (50 girls and 36 boys). As part of the study, 3 series of measurements were carried out, covering the 2-year period of early childhood education (grades 1-3 of primary school). The girls and boys from sports classes (aged 7, 8, 9) obtained, on average, better results than their peers from general classes in the tests of physical fitness (except for the dynamometric force of the right and left hands). In the teams of both genders (aged 7, 8 and 9), the greatest differences in the level of development of features were noted in flexibility, arm strength and agility. In the subsequent series of studies, the differences in the level of physical fitness between the teams of sports and general classes deepened. In each section of the study, the increase in a given motor feature was greater in the teams of sports classes than in general (except for the dynamometric force of the right and left hands).
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