
  • Leticia Bartholomeu de Queiroz Lima Federal University of Paraná
  • Marco Antonio Coelho Bortoleto University of Campinas
  • Maurício Santos Oliveira Federal University of Espírito Santo
  • Laurita Marconi Schiavon University of Campinas




Artistic Gymnastics, Brazil, Women, History


Brazilian men’s and women’s Artistic Gymnastics (AG) has been in the spotlight due to the results of some outstanding athletes in the most important international competitions over the last 20 years. However, the development of this sport in the national context does not reflect these achievements. This article performs a critical analysis of Women’s Artistic Gymnastics (WAG) in Brazil, reviewing the trajectory of the main gymnasts and their achievements in the World Championships and Olympic Games from 1966 to 2021, as well as relevant contextual facts during this historical period. Medals in major events have been won since 2001, with gradual and unstable growth, placing Brazil among the most prominent countries. Nevertheless, the data suggest that the achievements were based on concentrated investment in elite gymnasts, mainly in the Olympic team, with the support of already established clubs. The development is still centralized in a few clubs, without showing a sustainable increase in the number of clubs and gymnasts. In this scenario, there is a need for a long-term plan that can sustain the development of the national ecosystem (clubs, local competitions, provincial federations) across all age-group categories and in connection with the national teams..


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How to Cite

Bartholomeu de Queiroz Lima, L., Coelho Bortoleto, M. A., Santos Oliveira, M., & Marconi Schiavon, L. (2024). WOMEN’S ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS IN BRAZIL: PATHS TAKEN FROM 1966 TO 2021. Science of Gymnastics Journal, 16(2), 225-253. https://doi.org/10.52165/sgj.16.2.225-253