
  • Ivan Čuk




Dear friends,

Last year we moved to open editorial software that is hosted by University of Ljubljana Press. We are still adapting to this new address and the new way of work. We apologise for any inconvenience that this move has created and hope to get everything running smoothly as soon as possible.
Please note that our address is


We are still working as volunteers and splitting our duties with our younger coworkers. You may have noticed that the administrator has become very strict when articles are not prepared according to the guidelines. To avoid any prolonged delays in getting your article approved, please read the guidelines carefully and make sure to follow them.
We are still experiencing problems with our reviewers as, unfortunately, many of them have no time to review our submissions. I would like to appeal to you to please help us out. As a specialized journal, we have access to only a limited number of researchers. Let's all make an effort to be a part of the prominent scientific community on the Web of Science and SCOPUS!

This issue covers a diverse range of content, the authors are coming from Taiwan, Spain, Croatia, USA, Brazil, Portugal and the Bosnia and Herzegovina. For those, who want more knowledge from different areas of our gymnastics, please join to Freiburger Gerätturntage 2023 from 14.-15.10.23. Lectures will be also in English. Anton Gajdoš prepared his 27th short historical note introducing Mitsuo Tsukahara from Japan. Just to remind you, if you cite the journal, its abbreviation in the Web of Knowledge is SCI GYMN J. I wish you enjoyable reading and many new ideas for research projects and articles.

Ivan Čuk


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