Stanje enojezične leksikografije: Estonija
DOI:čne besede:
leksikografija, slovarji, estonščinaPovzetek
Prispevek opisuje stanje enojezične leksikografije v Estoniji. Najprej opišemo trenutno situacijo v Estoniji in osrednje javne funkcije Inštituta za estonski jezik. Nato podamo pregled primarnih tipov enojezičnih akademskih slovarjev (slovarjev standardne estonščine in razlagalnih slovarjev), ki so bili objavljeni v obdobju od 20. stoletja. Enojezični slovarji za tujce so se pojavili v zadnjem desetletju, osredotočeni pa so na bazično besedje in kolokacije. V nadaljevanju podamo kratek pregled z vidika politike dostopnosti jezikovnih virov za estonščino, na koncu pa predvidimo nadaljnje aktivnosti Inštituta na področju leksikografije. V okviru novega leksikografskega sistema Ekilex se Inštitut odmika od posameznih vmesnikov za različne slovarje in se usmerja k poenotenemu podatkovnemu modelu in podajanju informacij v celostni obliki.
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Jürviste, M., Kallas, J., Langemets, M., Tuulik M., & Viks, Ü. (2011). Extending the functions of the EELex dictionary writing system using the example of the Basic Estonian Dictionary. In I. Kosem & K. Kosem (Eds.), eLexicography in the 21st Century: New Applications for New Users, Proceedings of eLex 2011, Bled, 10–12 November 2011 (pp. 106–112). Ljubljana: Trojina, Institute for Applied Slovenian Studies. Retrieved from
Kallas, J. (2013). Eesti keele sisusõnade süntagmaatilised suhted korpus- ja õppeleksikograafias [Syntagmatic relations of Estonian content words in corpus and pedagogical lexicography]. (Doktoritöö, Tallinna Ülikool). Tallinn: Tallinna Ülikool.
Kallas, J., Tuulik, M., & Langemets, M. (2014). The Basic Estonian Dictionary: the first Monolingual L2 learner’s Dictionary of Estonian. In A. Abel, C. Vettori & N. Ralli (Eds.), Proceedings of the XVI EURALEX International Congress: The User in Focus, 15–19 July 2014, Bolzano/Bozen (pp. 1109–1119). Bolzano/Bozen: European Academy. Retrieved from
Kallas, J., Kilgarriff, A., Koppel, K., Kudritski, E., Langemets, M., Michelfeit, J., Tuulik, M., & Viks, Ü. (2015). Automatic generation of the Estonian Collocations Dictionary database. In Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: linking lexical data in the digital age. Proceedings of the eLex 2015 conference, 11-13 August 2015, Herstmonceux Castle, United Kingdom (pp. 1−20). Ljubljana/Brighton: Trojina, Institute for Applied Slovene Studies/Lexical Computing Ltd.
Kallas, J., Suchomel, V., & Khokholova, M. (2017). Automated Identification of Domain Preferences of Collocations. In Electronic lexicography in the 21st century. Proceedings of eLex 2017 conference (pp. 309−320). Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o., Brno, Czech Republic.
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Keeleveeb. Retrieved from
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Koppel, K. (2017). Heade näitelausete automaattuvastamine eesti keele õppesõnastike jaoks [Automatic detection of good dictionary examples in Estonian learner’s dictionaries]. Estonian Papers in Applied Linguistics, 13, 53–71. doi: 71.10.5128/ERYa13.04 DOI:
Kosem, I., Koppel, K., Kuhn, T. Z., Michelfeit, J., & Tiberius, C. (2018). Identification and automatic extraction of good dictionary examples: the case(s) of GDEX. International Journal of Lexicography. doi: 10.1093/ijl/ecy014 DOI:
Langemets, M., Loopmann, A., & Viks, Ü. (2006). The IEL dictionary management system of Estonian. In G.-M. De Schryver (Ed.), DWS 2006: Proceedings of the 20 Fourth International Workshop on Dictionary Writing Systems: Pre-EURALEX workshop: Fourth International Workshop on Dictionary Writing System. Turin, 5th September 2006. Turin: University of Turin (pp. 11–16). Retrieved from
Langemets, M., Tiits, M., Valdre, T., & Voll, P. (2010). In spe: üheköiteline eesti keele sõnaraamat. Keel ja Kirjandus, 11, 793−810.
Langemets, M. (2013). ‘To think outside the paper’: The case of Estonia. In G. Stickel & T. Váradi (Eds.), Lexical Challenges in a Multilingual Europe (pp. 145–161). Frankfurt a. M. / Berlin etc.: Peter Lang.
Langemets, M., Tiits, M., Uibo, U., Valdre, T., Voll, P. (2018) Eesti keel uues kuues. Eesti keele sõnaraamat 2018. Keel ja Kirjandus, 12, 942−958. DOI:
Pärson, T. & Ait, J. (2017). Infotehnoloogia. Eesti Statistika Kvartalikiri [Quarterly Bulletin of Statistics Estonia], 17(2), 119–120.
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Raadik, M., & Tuulik, M. (2018). Native vs. borrowed material as approached by Estonian language planning practitioners: The experience of the Dictionary of Standard Estonian. International Journal of Lexicography. doi: 10.1093/ijl/ecy007 DOI:
Tavast, A., Langemets, M., Kallas, J., Koppel, K. (2018). Unified Data Modelling for Presenting Lexical Data: The Case of EKILEX. In Ed. J. Čibej, V. Gorjanc, I. Kosem & Simon Krek, Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress: EURALEX: Lexicography in Global Contexts, Ljubljana, 17-21 July 2018 (pp. 749−761). Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts.
The Basic Estonian Dictionary. Retrieved from
The Center of Estonian Language Resources. Retrieved from
The Dictionary of Estonian 2019. Retrieved from
The Dictionary of Standard Estonian ÕS 2018. Retrieved from
The Estonian Collocations Dictionary. Retrieved from
The Estonian National Corpus 2013. Retrieved from
The Estonian National Corpus 2017. Retrieved from doi: 10.15155/3-00-0000-0000-0000-071E7L
The Estonian WordNet. Retrieved from
The Explanatory Dictionary of Estonian. Retrieved from
The Language Hotline “e-keelenõu”. Retrieved from
The META-SHARE repository. Retrieved from
The Sketch Engine. Retrieved from
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Vainik, E. (2018). Compiling the Dictionary of Word Associations in Estonia: from scratch to the database. In Estonian Papers in Applied Linguistics, 14, 229–245. DOI: 10.5128/ERYa14.14 DOI:
Veldi, E. (2014). Teaching How to Use Dictionaries Better. Culture, Languages, History: Integration and Border-Crossing. Ed. Raud, Nina; Burdakova, Olga. Narva: Tartu Ülikooli Narva Kolledž, 142−147. (Studia humaniora et paedagogica Collegii Narovensis; 5).
Avtorske pravice (c) 2019 Jelena Kallas, Margit Langemets, Kristina Koppel, Maria Tuulik
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