Consumers' Attitude Towards Eco Friendly Textile Products


  • Manca Matičič Zver Faculty of Design, Prevale 10, 1236 Trzin, Slovenia Author
  • Tina Vukasović University of Primorska, Famnit, Glagoljaška ulica 8, 6000 Koper, Slovenia Author



consumer behaviour, attitudes, perception, consumers, eco-friendly textile products, Slovenia


Care for the environment is directly connected to consumer behaviour. The authors summarize in their research the findings of different authors who have examined various aspects of socially responsible consumption, green consumption and ethical consumer behaviour. Their results have shown that consumers contribute to active environmental problem solving by selecting and purchasing environment-friendly textile products. Today’s consumers have started to act more ethically and responsibly when purchasing and considering the products they need. The goal of this paper is to explore Slovenian consumers' perception of eco-friendly textile products, to investigate underlying attitudes and perceptions, and consumers’ willingness to buy eco-friendly textile products in the future. Research questions focus on knowledge about eco-friendly textile products, attitudes, perception and purchasing behaviour as it relates to eco-friendly textile products. Slovenian consumers express a positive attitude towards eco-friendly textile products. They perceive eco-friendly textile products as products with a certificate, as produced in an eco-friendly manner, as products with a higher price than conventional products and as sustainable products. The most important factor when purchasing eco-friendly textile products is the label ''product with certificate'' or ''certified product'', as consumers buy eco-friendly textile products labelled as such. Respondents intend to purchase eco-friendly textile products in the future. The results of this research could be used in planning the further development of the eco-friendly textile products market. Overall positive attitudes toward eco-friendly textile products should be reinforced, while consumers can be influenced through targeted advertising. The results of this research can be used to plan further marketing activities.


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Scientific article

How to Cite

Matičič Zver, M., & Vukasović, T. (2021). Consumers’ Attitude Towards Eco Friendly Textile Products. Tekstilec, 64(2), 159-171.