Fast Fashion Brands: Sustainable Marketing Practices and Consumer Purchase Behaviour




sustainable marketing, sustainable brand perception, sustainable brand loyalty, sustainable purchase behaviour


The fast fashion boom is faced with economic, environmental and social justice objections. Sustainable mar­keting initiatives have become a new style statement, and brands are shifting to environment-friendly manufacturing. This study explores how fashion apparel brands adopt sustainable marketing practices to promote sustainable purchase behaviour. A cross-sectional survey using a quantitative research design was followed to collect responses from fashion brand consumers. Variance-based partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to assess the hypothesized model. Two-step bootstrapping was conducted to explore the mediating role of brand perception in the relationship between sustainable marketing activity and brand loyalty. The study suggests that firms can support sustainable marketing practices by creating a brand image and building trust. This can influence consumers' perceptions of sustainability and promote brand loyalty. The study also emphasizes the significance of brand loyalty in developing sustainable purchase behaviour that endures over time. The study provides insights into sustainable marketing strategies and pol­icies in indigenous markets.


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Scientific article


How to Cite

Neha, Joshi, P., & Kumar, N. (2024). Fast Fashion Brands: Sustainable Marketing Practices and Consumer Purchase Behaviour. Tekstilec, 67, 4–18.